Project info
Together with Renewi we designed a SHEQ Excellence Campus with the objective to develop and implement SHEQ learning and training into the organisation over 3 waves. The first wave is the induction of Renewi employees. The second wave is instructing employees of the core risks they are facing doing their job. The third wave concerns continued training. For wave 1 induction of all Renewi employees Parcours developed a gamified social learning environment: the Lifesaving Rules Game. Everyone within Renewi needs to know and act conform the 10 Lifesaving Rules. The challenge was how to make this interesting for all function levels within the organisation. With an interactive game and 10 animated videos in which each rule is explained the objective “from unaware to aware” was reached. The game is developed in 5 languages and can be implemented in every LMS. The characters from the animations are also used in every communication item around safety.
Renewi releases the induction game to all employees in a period of 2 years. At this moment around 2,000 employees have completed the Lifesaving Rules Game. In the meantime, the development of Wave 2 “from understanding to belief” has started. 10 online learnings on topics like driver safety, environmental compliance, safety leadership and work on height for example are co-created with Renewi workgroups.
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Ariane van Rossem
Account Manager