Food safety for supermarket employees



Project info

Food safety for supermarket employees

A major trend in grocery retail is the increase of supermarkets that offer foodservice: processing and preparing food at the store location. To train employees of supermarkets in food safety in this changing times, CBL (The Dutch Food Retail Association) asked Parcours to create a short, snappy and attractive training.

To appeal to the young target audience, we created a visually attractive, interactive training. Instead of reading, the focus is on viewing and doing. Mini games, practice quizzes and short bursts of theory help the learner gain their knowledge of food safety. First person videos shot on the shop floor combined with feedback from real supermarket employees make this training both fun and creates awareness.

Content was created in close contact with representatives from several supermarket chains to ensure all protocols are represented correctly. This learning module is part of a larger series of modules freely available on the website of CBL. Paying members are able to take the exams and get certified. The learning is also available for supermarket chains to upload onto their own LMS.

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Lara van der Steen

Account Manager